Bible instruction is story based, using puppets, coloring pages, videos, visuals, books, and interactive story telling to give students a basis to biblical stories and characters. Students memorize scripture on a weekly basis. Daily pray time and singing is included as part of the day. Biblical integration happens all day long as teachers love and nurture students in a caring environment to grow to be more like Jesus so they can grow in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men.
Aurora Christian Preschool uses a phonics based reading curriculum that builds a strong foundation for basic reading skills. Reading skills and reading groups are also part of the instruction at the 4 year olds level. Students are instructed in writing skills that include proper pencil grip, letter formation and spacing. Mathematics instruction includes teaching math concepts, number recognition, forming the numbers correctly, counting skills, and when age appropriate, simple addition skills.
- Music Education - Preschool students have music class twice each week, teaching the students songs for fun, rhythm instruments, and concert preparation. There are two preschool concerts during the course of the school year.
- Physical Education - Preschool students have Phys. Ed. once each week with instruction in gross motor skill activities. Students are challenged to run, jump, hop, skip, catch, toss, and have lots of activity in Phys. Ed.
- Spanish - Preschool students have Spanish vocabulary lessons once each week. Students are exposed to vocabulary to build a foundation for future foreign language learning.
- Art - Preschool teachers have multiple art activity incorporated into the curriculum during the course of the school year. The students are learning the necessary fine motor skills of cutting, glue, coloring, and creating various works of art.
- Field Trip - Preschool students attend one field trip during the year. During the most recent years, the Preschool students have gone to the Disney on Ice program at the United Center.
- CityServe - Preschool students participate in this activity that takes children off campus to visit and sing at local nursing facilities.
A playground was installed during the summer of 2013. The playground is equipped to challenge the students to climb and slide their way through a maze of creative equipment.
When weather does not permit students to be outside on the playground, there is also an indoor playroom and multipurpose room where students have access to many hands-on learning activities, such as legos kitchen area, blocks, cars, magnet tiles, and much more!
All children must be able to be completely independent in using the washroom facilities.
Class size for the Preschool 3s class (traditionally 3 year olds) is up to 15 children with a part-time aide assisting the teacher when more than 12 children are enrolled. The Preschool 4's class (traditionally 4 year olds) is up to 18 children with a part-time aide assisting the teacher when more than 14 children are enrolled.
Teachers hired for our preschool program are certified with an elementary education teaching license or early childhood license and have experience working with children.
All doors to the preschool are locked at all times. There is a "buzz-in" security system for access into the facility. The preschool is also equipped with video surveillance.
The school day is 8:00-11:30 for half day children, 8:00-3:05 for full day children. The facility is open for extended hours from 6:30 am until 6:00 pm.
Morning snack is held between 9:30 and 10:15 am and lunch is included as part of the full day student enrollment. For students that are not full day but staying beyond 11:30 am, there is a daily rate that is charged for lunch. Students may also bring a sack lunch.
- Listening Skills: developing an age-appropriate attention span, learning to understanding and follow directions, learning to understand and obey school and social rules, etc.
- Social/Emotional Development: enjoy and initial friendships, learn the art of sharing, learning how to show kindness, engaging in cooperative group play, learning to take turns, developing good manners, developing self-confidence, developing self-control, etc.
- Listening Skills: understanding and following multi-step directions, developing an age appropriate attention span, answering comprehension questions about stories, etc.
- Readiness Skills: recognizing colors, coloring in the lines, gripping the pencil correctly, tracing, using scissors, cutting on the lines, following directions, etc.
- Social Development: sharing and taking turns, playing independently, participating in group play, developing kindness and good manners, etc.