Instructional Summary
Bible (Deep Roots)
Studying God’s Word
New Testament Stories
Miracles of Jesus
Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter
Christian Character Traits
Learn worshiping God through song & prayer
Scripture Memory Verses
Phonics & Reading (ABeka, Reading A-Z and Foundations and Frameworks)
Phonemic Awareness & Phonics
Reading high frequency words
Comprehension - cause & effect, character, main idea and details, plot/retelling, setting, summarization, sequence and structure
Math Skills (BJU)
Identifying and writing numbers 1-1000
Number sense and place value
Counting patterns - multiplication
Whole Number Operation - addition and subtraction
Introduction of multiplication and division (equal parts)
Number sentences
Algebra readiness
Fractions - equal parts, halves, fourths
Measurement and Data - statistics and graphs
Problem Solving
Decimals - money
Writing (Handwriting Without Tears)
Review of Letter & number formation and spacing
Writes sentences with correct spacing
Introduction to cursive
English/Grammar (Shurley English)
Parts of speech
Sentence structure, punctuation and capitalization
Identifying parts of speech in a sentence
Paragraph writing
Spelling (ACSI Purposeful Design)
Beginning consonants
Short and long vowel words
Words ending in double consonants
Plural words
Compound words
Social Studies (BJU)
Geography - map skills and North America/United States
History - communities and memorials
Government - rules and laws, leaders and elections, how a bill becomes a law
Economics - goods and services and trading
American Culture - influences and Native Americans and immigrants
Social Studies Skills - primary and secondary resources
Science (BJU)
Life Science - how plants and animals change and grow, where things live, fossils, the human body
Earth Science - how the earth moves, what makes up the earth, natural resources
Physical Science - what is matter and how it moves and changes
Music (30 min. 2x/week)
P.E. (30 min. 2x/week)
Spanish (30 min. 1x/week)
Library (30 min. 1x/week)
Art (45 min. 1x/week)
Field Trips:
Morton Arboretum
Theatrical performance
Life Springs Ministry/chicken farm