Instructional Summary
Bible (Deep Roots)
Studying God’s Word
Old and New Testament Stories
Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter
Christian Character Traits
Learn worshiping God through song & prayer
Scripture Memory Verses
Reading (Michael Haggert, Jolly Phonics, The Science of Reading, Reading A-Z)
Phonemic Awareness
Visual recognition of lower and upper case letters
Discrimination of each vowel and consonant letter sound
Relationship between letters and sounds
Blending sounds
Decoding words
Special sounds
Reading high frequency words
Read alouds
Summarize what a book is about through the illustrations
Identify the front and back covers of a book
Identify first and last name in writing
Math Skills (BJU)
Identifying and writing numbers 1-100
Number sense
Counting and Cardinality
Whole Number Operation - addition and subtraction
Algebra readiness - understand part-whole relations
Fractions - equal parts
Geometry - attributes of shapes
Measurement and Data
Problem Solving
Writing (Handwriting Without Tears)
Holds writing instrument in a tripod grip
Write letters, shapes and numbers
Writes words within a spaced line
Writes first name
Writes a sentence with punctuation
Social Studies (ABeka)
Community helpers (fireman, policeman, teacher, mayor, etc.)
Early America (Regions of the United States, Native Americans, Pilgrims, etc.)
Presidents (Washington, Lincoln, etc.)
Introduction to other countries and cultures (Japan, China, England, Italy, etc.)
Science (ACSI Purposeful Design)
God’s Plan for: Me
The Sea
Music (30 min. 2x/week)
P.E. (30 min. 2x/week)
Spanish (30 min. 1x/week)
Library (30 min. 1x/week)
Art (45 min. 1x/week)
Field Trips
Pumpkin Farm
Theatrical performance
First Responders