Instructional Summary
Bible (Deep Roots)
Studying God’s Word
Old and New Testament Stories
Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter
Christian Character Traits
Learn worshiping God through song & prayer
Scripture Memory Verses
Phonics & Reading (Michael Haggerty, Jolly Phonics, Science of Reading, Reading A-Z, Foundations and Frameworks)
Phonemic Awareness & Phonics
Reading high frequency words
Comprehension - cause & effect, character, compare & contrast, plot, prediction, setting, sequence and structure
Math Skills (BJU)
Identifying and writing numbers 1-1000
Number sense
Counting patterns - multiplication
Whole Number Operation - addition and subtraction
Number sentences
Algebra readiness
Fractions - equal parts, halves, fourths
Measurement and Data
Problem Solving
Writing (Handwriting Without Tears)
Letter & number formation and spacing
Writes words within a spaced line
Writes sentences with correct spacing
English/Grammar (Shurley English)
Parts of speech
Sentence structure, punctuation and capitalization
Contractions and plurals
Creative writing
Spelling (ACSI Purposeful Design)
Beginning consonants
Short and long vowel words
Words ending in double consonants
Ending blends
Plural words
R blends
Digraphs (sh, ch, th, wh)
Social Studies (BJU)
Geography - types of land and maps
Weather - seasons
History - time and primary/secondary resources
American History - Native Americans, explorers, settlements, effects of immigration, Abraham Lincoln, United States today
Government - rules and laws, leaders and elections, symbols of the US, rights and responsibilities
Economics - needs and wants, goods and services, and trading
Culture - biblical worldview, families and homes and celebrations
Social Studies Skills - addresses, landmarks, and timelines
Science (BJU)
Life Science - plants and animals
Our Bodies - the human body
Earth Science - the earth and its lights, seasons and weather
Physical Science - light and sound energy
Music (30 min. 2x/week)
P.E. (30 min. 2x/week)
Spanish (30 min. 1x/week)
Library (30 min. 1x/week)
Art (45 min. 1x/week)
Field Trips
Pumpkin Farm
Theatrical performance
Service in the neighboring community