Instructional Summary
Bible (Deep Roots)
Studying God’s Word
Old Testament characters - Ruth and Naomi, Samson, Deborah, Job, David,
Elijaha and Elisha, Jonah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Esther and more
The Trinity
Marriage and the Family
Hell and the defeat of Satan
Christian Character Traits
Learn worshiping God through song & prayer
Scripture Memory Verses
Reading (Reading A-Z and Foundations and Frameworks)
Comprehension - cause & effect, character, main idea and details, plot/retelling,
setting, summarization, sequence of events and structure, drawing conclusions, point of view, author’s purpose
Math Skills (BJU)
Identifying and writing numbers 1-100,000,000
Number sense and place value
Counting patterns - multiplication
Whole Number Operation - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Algebra readiness
Geometry - lines, symmetry, figures, perimeter
Measurement and Data - statistics and graphs, time
Problem Solving
Decimals - mixed numbers
Writing (Handwriting Without Tears)
Print and cursive
Sentence conventions
English/Grammar (Shurley English)
Parts of speech
Sentence structure, punctuation and capitalization
Identifying parts of speech in a sentence
Paragraph writing
Intro to research
Spelling (ACSI Purposeful Design)
Short and long vowel words
R-controlled vowels
Words ending in double consonants
Plural words
Compound words
Prefixes and suffixes
Social Studies (BJU)
Geography - cardinal and intermediate directions, map symbols and key, map scales,
map grids, latitude and longitude and time zones, kinds of maps
American History - events and personalities pre-Columbus to the present
Government - three branches of government, biblical philosophy
Economics - inventions, stock market, supply and demand
Culture - languages and religions
Science (BJU)
Life Science - living things and human body
Earth Science - earth and space/space technology
Physical Science - energy and matter
Music (30 min. 2x/week)
P.E. (30 min. 2x/week)
Spanish (30 min. 1x/week)
Library (30 min. 1x/week)
Art (45 min. 1x/week)
Technology (45 min. 1x/week)
Field Trips:
Hoover Forest Preserve
CA Pizza Kitchen
Feed My Starving Children
Kane County Cougars (reading incentive)
CityServe: Local friends, family and community blankets