Philosophy of Athletics
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." Colossians 3:23 (NIV)
We believe that competition presents challenges similar to those that every person might one day face throughout life. Although these challenges may be on a smaller scale, the ways in which we overcome them and the lessons that we learn from them are the same. Aurora Christian’s Athletic Program is dedicated to developing character through sports. We strive to promote working together in oneness, to conquer fears, to overcome obstacles, to look for lessons and motivation in loss and for humility and opportunity in victory.
Most importantly, we strive to honorably represent our Lord Jesus Christ and to advance His kingdom through our words, our thoughts, and our deeds. The only true prescription to accomplish this task is found in the Bible, the inspired Word of God. At Aurora Christian School, we recognize a battle far greater than any sports arena: a battle for people’s eternal souls. As coaches at Aurora Christian School, we are to be diligent and desperate as we fight to develop champions for Christ. Let us make a pledge together to focus on the invisible, chase the intangible, and do the impossible.
Dan Beebe
ACS Athletic Director