Spanish I
The first year concentrates on learning basic vocabulary, correct pronunciation and the application of simple grammar to communicate at a beginning level in the contexts of home, church, school, store, restaurant, etc. The locations of Spanish speaking countries and cultural traditions are taught through beginning reader novels. Open to grades 8, 9, 10, 11.
Spanish II
The second year continues to focus on helping students perform practical functions in Spanish. Grammar is taught as a means to improve communication in everyday contexts. Students learn to effectively communicate in both the present and past tenses as well as give commands. In addition, students begin to grasp grammar within context as they read historically accurate novels. Open to grades 9, 10, 11 and 12. Prerequisite: Spanish I.
Spanish III
This is an honors course for students who want to more fully develop their language skills. Reading comprehension, speaking, writing, and listening are the major areas of emphasis as students pursue the reading of historically accurate novels. Again, all previous material is reviewed and the study of grammar is expanded. Open to grades 10, 11,12. Prerequisite: Students must receive a grade of 80% or better in Spanish II.
Spanish IV
This honors course expands the writing, reading, and discussion activities for each student. Advanced grammar exercises and dealing with problems in translation give the student a solid basis for continued study at the college level. Various culminating activities are planned to allow personal expression and growth in communication skills. Open to grade 11, 12. Prerequisite: Students must receive a grade of 83% or better in Spanish III.
Spanish V
This course is focused on enhancing the reading, speaking and comprehensions skills of each student. Novel and several group projects help to prepare the student for collegiate study of the language. Open to grade 12. Prerequisite: Students must receive a grade of 83% or better in Spanish IV and teacher recommendation required.