The Aurora Christian School Board of Directors is a self-perpetuating, policy governance board. All educational and operational decisions – including curriculum, programs, and staffing – are responsibilities of the superintendent and administration.
Board Responsibilities
• Be spiritual leaders in the school, to seek God's will and direction for the school, and to take responsibility for preservation and restoration of right relations, primarily our relations with God. (Gal. 6:1,2; James 5:19-20; Isaiah 55:7)
• Protect the foundational beliefs, mission, vision, and direction of the school.
• Establish the policies of the school.
• Hire a qualified superintendent for the school.
• Delegate to the superintendent all regular educational and operational authority.
• Provide regular counsel to and annual evaluation of the superintendent.
• Set the salary schedule for the administration, faculty, and staff.
• Approve the annual budget.
• Monitor income and expenditures against the budget and take corrective action if necessary.
• Maintain open communications with the administration, faculty, parents, alumni, and friends, through the established chain-of-command.
• Maintain proper relationships with government authorities.
• Create and ensure execution of a strategic plan to achieve the long-term vision for the school.
• Nominate candidates and elect directors for the board in accordance with the By-laws.
• In summary, exercise final authority in the school in all matters directed by the By-laws.